1. 教育及工作经历
2. 研究领域
1) 环境污染与人体健康
2) 环境污染物过程与控制
1) 青岛大学引进人才科研启动项目,2023-10至2027-09,主持
2) 肺部吸入制剂对大气颗粒物氧化潜势的影响/中国博士后基金面上项目,2022-11至2023-9,主持
3) 第二次青藏高原综合科学考察研究,任务六“人类活动与生存环境安全”,专题七“高山地方病与高原生理适应”,参与
4) 中国大气复合污染的成因与应对机制的基础研究学术交流活动及项目工作计划实施/基金委重大研究计划项目,参与
5) 大气污染全组分暴露测量技术/科技部国家重点研发计划项目,参与
4. 代表性研究成果
1) Yu, Y.Q., Zhu, T.*, 2024. Concentration-dependent effects of reductive pulmonary inhalants on ultrafine particle-induced oxidative stress: Insights for health risk assessment. Environmental Science and Ecotechnology, 19, 100339.
2) Yu, Y.Q., Zhu, T.*, 2023. Effects of endogenous and exogenous reductants in lung fluid on the bioaccessible metal concentration and oxidative potential of ultrafine particles. Science of the total environment, 882, 163652.
3) Yu, Y.Q., Yang, J.Y.*, 2020. Health risk assessment of fluorine in fertilizers from a fluorine contaminated region based on the oral bioaccessibility determined by Biomimetic Whole Digestion-Plasma in-vitro Method (BWDPM). J. Hazard. Mater. 383, 121124.
4) Yu, Y.Q., Li, J.X., Liao, Y.L., Yang, J.Y.*, 2020. Effectiveness, stabilization, and potential feasible analysis of a biochar material on simultaneous remediation and quality improvement of vanadium contaminated soil. J. Clean. Prod. 277, 123506.
5) Yu, Y.Q., Luo, H.Q., Yang, J.Y.*, 2022. Health risk of fluorine in soil from a phosphorus industrial area based on the in-vitro oral, inhalation, and dermal bioaccessibility. Chemosphere 294, 133714.
6) Yu, Y.Q., Cui, S.F., Fan, R.J., Fu, Y.Z., Liao, Y.L., Yang, J.Y.*, 2020. Distribution and superposed health risk assessment of fluorine co-effect in phosphorous chemical industrial and agricultural sources. Environ. Pollut. 262, 114249.
7) Yu, Y.Q., Luo, H.Q., Tang, W.Y., Yu, C.P., Lu, L., Li, J.W., Yang, J.Y.*, 2020. Mechanism of vanadium(IV) resistance of the strains isolated from a vanadium titanomagnetite mining region. Ecotox. Environ. Safety 195, 110463.
8) Yu, Y.Q., Yang, J.Y.*, 2019. Oral bioaccessibility and health risk assessment of vanadium(IV) and vanadium(V) in a vanadium titanomagnetite mining region by a whole digestive system in-vitro method (WDSM). Chemosphere 215, 294-304.
9) Yu, Y.Q., Su, W.F., Jian, H.X., Song, Q.Y., Yang, J.Y.*, 2022. Distribution, co-existing metals, and potential health risk of fluorine in farmland soil in different anthropogenic activity dominated districts in a county-level city in Sichuan province, Southwest China, in 2015. Environ. Geochem. Hlth. 44, 4311–4321.
10) Yu Y.Q., Zhang K.W., Yang J.Y.*, 2018. Stabilization of Cd and Zn in soil using pairwise mixed amendments of three raw materials: nanohydroxyapatite, nanoiron and nanoalumina. Res. Chem. Intermediat. 44, 2965–2981.
11) Yu, Y.Q., Li, J.X., Yang, J.Y.*, 2022. Usability of the straw biochar for remediation and amelioration of vanadium contaminated soils in the area influenced by acid rain. Environ. Chem. 19, 41-51.
12) Yu Y.Q., Liu M., Yang J.Y.*, 2018. Characteristics of vanadium adsorption on and desorption from humic acid. Chem. Ecol. 6, 548-564.
13) Yu, Y.Q., Wei, Q.Q., Li, J., Yang, J.Y.*, 2017. Removal of vanadium from wastewater by multi-walled carbon nanotubes. Fuller. Nanotub. Car. N. 25, 170-178.
1) 作为副主译参与编译《环境中的钒—化学及生物化学》(科学出版社;ISBN:978-7-03-056953-0)、《钒的无机生物化学》(冶金工业出版社出版;ISBN: 978-7-5024-8372-2)和《钒的化学、生物化学、药理学性质及应用》(冶金工业出版社出版;ISBN: 978-7-5024-8679-2)3部译著。
2) 作为编委参与编写专业英语教材《环境科学专业英语》(科学出版社;ISBN:978-7-03-055782-7)。