张俊龙,男,青岛人,博士,硕士生导师,青岛大学青年卓越人才。主持国家自然科学基金项目1项,高校实验室开放基金多项,作为主要成员参与国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)、国家杰出青年科学基金项目等课题。至今,以第一作者身份在《Water Research》、《Journal of Hydrology》等TOP期刊发表论文,已发表SCI论文近40篇;流域水资源调控研究成果获中华人民共和国科学技术部农业节水科学技术奖“三等奖”。
2019.11至今 青岛大学 环境科学与工程学院 副教授
2017.09-2019.11 青岛大学 环境科学与工程学院 讲师
4. 科研团队
[1]Mingshuai Chen, Junlong Zhang*, Taishan Wang, Kexin Wu, Li You, Jing Sun, Yue Li, Yongping Li, Guohe Huang. Quantifying the mutual effects of water trading and systematic water saving in a water-scarce watershed of China. Water Research, 2024, 257: 121712.
[2]Junlong Zhang, Yongping Li*, Guohe Huang. Uncertainty analysis for effluent trading planning using a Bayesian estimation-based simulation-optimization modeling approach. Water Research, 2017, 116: 159-181.
[3]Junlong Zhang, Yongping Li, Li You*, Guohe Huang, Xiaomei Xu, Xiaoya Wang. Optimizing effluent trading and risk management schemes considering dual risk aversion for an agricultural watershed. Agricultural Water Mangement, 2022, 269: 107716.
[4]Junlong Zhang, Xiao Wang, Weina Sun, Yongping Li, Zhirun Liu, Yuanrui Liu, Guohe Huang. Application of fiducial method for streamflow prediction under small sample cases in Xiangxihe watershed, China. Journal of Hydrology, 2020, 586: 124866.
[5]Junlong Zhang, Yongping Li*, Xueting Zeng, Guohe Huang, Yue Li, Ying Zhu, Fanlong Kong, Min Xi, Jing Liu. Effluent trading planning and its application in water quality management: a factor-interaction perspective. Environmental Research, 2018, 168: 286-305.
[6]Junlong Zhang, Yongping Li*, Guohe Huang, Xi Chen, Anming Bao. Assessment of parameter uncertainty in hydrological model using a Markov-Chain-Monte-Carlo-based multilevel-factorial-analysis method. Journal of Hydrology, 2016, 538: 471-486.
[7]Junlong Zhang, Xiao Wang, Weina Sun*, Yongping Li, Zhirun Liu, Yuanrui Liu, Guohe Huang. Application of fiducial method for streamflow prediction under small sample cases in Xiangxihe watershed, China. Journal of Hydrology, 2020, 586: 124866.
[8]Junlong Zhang, Yongping Li*, Guohe Huang, Chunxiao Wang, Guanhui Cheng. Evaluation of uncertainties in input data and parameters of hydrological model using a Bayesian framework: a case study of a snowmelt-precipitation-driven watershed. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 2016, 17(8): 2333-2350.
[9]Junlong Zhang, Yongping Li*, Chunxiao Wang, Guohe Huang. An inexact simulation-based stochastic optimization method for identifying effluent trading strategies of agricultural nonpoint sources. Agricultural Water Management, 2015, 152: 72-90.
[10]Taishan Wang, Junlong Zhang*, Li You, Xueting Zeng, Yuan Ma, You Li, Guohe Huang. Optimal design of two-dimensional water trading considering hybrid “three waters”-government participation for an agricultural watershed. Agricultural Water Management,2023, 288,108457.
[11]Taishan Wang, Junlong Zhang*, Yue Li*, Xiaomei Xu, Yongping Li, Xueting Zeng, Guohe Huang, Peiyang Lin. Optimal design of two-dimensional water trading based on risk aversion for sustainable development of Daguhe watershed, China. Journal of Environmental Mangement, 2022, 309, 114679.
[12]Kexin Wu, Hongqi Wen, Taishan Wang, Mingshuai Chen, Li You, Yanyan Liu, Junlong Zhang*, Yongping Li , Guohe Huang. Water rights trading planning and its application in water resources management: A water-ecology-food nexus perspective.Environmental Research, 2024, 249, 118377.
[13]Maomao Li, Fanlong Kong, Yue Li, Yanru Dong, Junlong Zhang*, Min Xi*. Impact of sub-watershed characteristics and changes on sediment DOM quantity and quality over Jiaozhou Bay. Ecological Indicators, 2020, 118: 106777.
[14]Xinjuan Wang, Fanlong Kong, Yue Li, Qinghao Li, Chunrong Wang, Junlong Zhang*, Min Xi*. Effect of simulated tidal cycle on DOM, nitrogen and phosphorus release from sediment in Dagu River-Jiaozhou Bay estuary. Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 783: 147158.
[15]Yanru Dong, Yue Li, Fanlong Kong, Junlong Zhang*, Min Xi*. Source, structural characteristics and ecological indication of dissolved organic matter extracted from sediments in the primary tributaries of the Dagu River. Ecological Indicators, 2020, 109: 105776.
[16]Meike Zhu, Fanlong Kong, Yue Li, Maomao Li, Junlong Zhang*, Min Xi*. Effects of moisture and salinity on soil dissolved organic matter and ecological risk of coastal wetland. Environmental Research, 2020, 187: 109659.
[17]Maomao Li, Fanlong Kong, Yue Li, Junlong Zhang*, Min Xi*. Ecological indication based on source, content, and structure characteristics of dissolved organic matter in surface sediment from Dagu River estuary, China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2022, 27(36): 45499-45512.
[18]Yuxiang Xie, Fanlong Kong, Junlong Zhang*, Yongping Li, Guohe Huang, Wenqi Zhang. Medium and long-term planning of an integrated eco-compensation system considering ecological water demand under uncertainty: a Case Study of Daguhe watershed in China. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 2022, 148(10): 04022049
[19]Junlong Zhang, Yongping Li*, Guohe Huang. A robust simulation-optimization modeling system for effluent trading - A case study of nonpoint source pollution control. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2014, 21: 5036-5053.
[20]Xiaomei Xu, Xueting Zeng, Yongping Li, Chunrong Wang, Lei Yu, Guohe Huang, Junlong Zhang*, Juan Feng, Xinyu Han. Multi-watershed nonpoint source pollution management through coupling Bayesian-based simulation and mechanism-based effluent trading optimization. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 2021, 36(5): 1313-1351.
[21]Yuanrui Liu, Yongping Li*, Guohe Huang, Junlong Zhang, Yurui Fan. Bayesian-based multilevel factorial analysis method for analyzing parameter uncertainty of hydrological model. Journal of Hydrology, 2017, 553: 750-762.
[22]Chunxiao Wang, Yongping Li*, Junlong Zhang, Guohe Huang. Development of an inexact-variance hydrological modeling system for analyzing interactive effects of multiple uncertain parameters. Journal of Hydrology, 2015, 528: 94-107.
[23]Chunxiao Wang, Yongping Li*, Guohe Huang, Junlong Zhang. A type-2 fuzzy interval programming approach for conjunctive use of surface water and groundwater under uncertainty. Information Sciences, 2016, 340: 209-227.
[24]Xueting Zeng*, Junlong Zhang, Lei Yu, Jinxin Zhu, Zhong Li. A sustainable water-food-energy plan to confront climatic and socioeconomic changes using simulation-optimization approach. Applied Energy, 2019, 236: 743-759.
[25]Xueting Zeng, Guohe Huang*, Junlong Zhang, Yongping Li, Li You. A stochastic rough-approximation water management model for supporting sustainable water-environment strategies in an irrigation district of arid region. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 2017, 31:2183-2200.
[26]Xuanxuan Xian, Mingyue Pang, Junlong Zhang, Meike Zhu, Fanlong Kong*, Min Xi. Assessing the effect of potential water and salt intrusion on coastal wetland soil quality: simulation study. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 2019, 19(5): 2251-2264.
[27]Xue Yu, Junlong Zhang, Fanlong Kong, Yue Li, Maomao Li, Yanru Dong, Min Xi*. Identification of source apportionment and its spatial variability of dissolved organic matter in Dagu River-Jiaozhou Bay estuary based on the isotope and fluorescence spectroscopy analysis. Ecological Indicators, 2019, 102: 528-537.
[28]Lei Yu, Yongping Li*, Guohe Huang, Junlong Zhang. Modeling regional ecosystem development under uncertainty - a case study for New Binhai District of Tianjin. Ecological Modelling, 2014, 288: 127-142.
[29]Chunxiao Wang, Yongping Li*, Junlong Zhang, Guohe Huang. Assessing parameter uncertainty in semi-distributed hydrological model based on type-2 fuzzy analysis: a case study of Kaidu River Basin. Hydrology Research, 2015, 46(6): 969-983.
[30]Peng Li, Yongping Li*, Guohe Huang, Junlong Zhang. Modeling for waste management associated with environmental-impact abatement under uncertainty. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2015, 22(7): 5003-5019.
[31]Xueting Zeng, Guohe Huang, Yongping Li*, Junlong Zhang, Yanpeng Cai, Zhengping Liu, Lirong Liu. Development of a fuzzy-stochastic programming with Green Z-score criterion method for planning water resources systems with a trading mechanism. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2016, 23(24): 25245-25266.
[32]Jing Liu, Yongping Li*, Guohe Huang, Haiyan Fu, Junlong Zhang, Guanhui Cheng. Identification of water quality management policy of watershed system with multiple uncertain interactions using a multi-level-factorial risk-inference-based possibilistic-probabilistic programming approach. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2017, 24(17): 14980-15000.
[33]Tienan Li, Xueting Zeng*, Cong Chen, Xiangmin Kong, Junlong Zhang, Ying Zhu, Fan Zhang, He Dong. Scenario Analysis of Initial Water-Rights Allocation to Improve Regional Water Productivities. Water, 2019: 11(6).
[34]Junlong Zhang, Yongping Li*, Jing Liu. Effects of important factors on effluent trading: a Bayesian estimation-based inexact two-stage stochastic programming method. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2018, 146: 012049.
[35] Junlong Zhang, Yongping Li*, Chunxiao Wang, Liang Cui, Li You. An advanced uncertain distributed sediment simulation technique based on risk analysis. Information Technology for Risk Analysis and Crisis Response, 2014, 102: 308-311.
[36] 徐晓梅,王太山,梁莹,张俊龙*,冯娟*. 基于 SWAT 模型的大沽河流域排污权交易率体系不确定性估算研究[J]. 环境工程 (影响因子=0.95), 2021. (中文核心,CSCD)
[37]张俊龙, 李永平*, 曾雪婷, 尤立, 刘静. 拓展傅里叶幅度敏感性分析检验(EFAST)用于探索寒旱区流域水文过程参数敏感性[J]. 南水北调与水利科技 (影响因子=0.299), 2017, 3. (中文核心,CSCD)
[38] 张俊龙, 李永平*, 王春晓, 尤立, 曾雪婷, 祝颖, 周雅. 洞庭湖入湖流量变异程度评价研究[C]. 科技创新与水利改革——中国水利学会2014学术年会论文集(上册). 2014-10-28, 中国, 天津.
[39] 崔亮, 李永平*, 黄国和, 曾雪婷, 刘静, 张俊龙*. 基于TOPMODEL的DEM分辨率降雨径流模拟不确定性研究[C]. 科技创新与水利改革——中国水利学会2014学术年会论文集(上册). 2014-10-28, 中国, 天津.
[40] 曾雪婷*, 张俊龙, 康健, 李铁男. 基于改进熵权 TOPSIS 法的吉林省灌区农业灌溉用水有效利用系数测算 [C]. 2017中国水资源高效利用与节水技术论坛. 2017-7-27, 中国, 哈尔滨.
[41] 梁莹,李静,李悦,王太山,尤立, 张俊龙*.多目标情景下面向生态需水保障的排污权交易[J].生态学杂志, 2023-09-06.